
As part of our desire to continue seeking cutting-edge of bioprinting, B@B has developed industry relations with companies such as Cellink, Advanced Solutions, and Hyperganic.

Advanced Solutions

In the Spring of 2021, Bioprinting at Berkeley hosted its first guest speaker, Dr. Jay Hoying, from Advanced solutions. Advanced Solutions is a company focused on applying engineering to biology through products ranging in the BioAssemblyBot, a first-of-its-kind polar coordinate-based bioprinter, various bioimaging, and biological modeling software, and vascularization assays to promote angiogenesis in Bioprinted models. Learn more about Advanced solutions in the following link: 3D Bioprint & Vascularize Tissues | Advanced Solutions 


B@B is concurrently partnering with Hyperganic, a company that “builds software to design objects that are as complex, functional, elegant and sustainable as Nature”. They accomplish this by leveraging the paradigm-shifting technology of algorithm engineering, in order to design complex objects. We look forward to sharing the exciting developments we pursue with this incredible technology and thank Hyperganic for sharing this platform as well as their support. To learn more about Hyperganic and their incredible work see the following link: Hyperganic

Image developed by Hyperganic Group